Zach is a communicator with the uncanny ability to put himself in the shoes of his audience so he can speak to them more personally. As a digital communications specialist, he not only creates social media content and blog posts, but he also provides his clients with metrics that illustrate the performance of that content. Zach excels in building partnerships with his clients and elevating their performance on social media.

What is your professional background?

Before arriving at Trilix, my professional career had been surrounded by athletics. I previously worked as the athletic communications director at Simpson College for nearly three years and oversaw all public relations efforts for the college’s 19 varsity sports, two spirit squads and a club team. Before that, I worked at a school near Muncie, Indiana — Taylor University, home of the famous Silent Night — in the sports information department and at a newspaper as a sports writer.

Favorite film, food, drink and furry friend?

I’m a big fan of comedy and sports-related movies, such as “Dumb and Dumber,” “Superbad” and “Rudy.” My favorite food is pizza, and although I’m not a teenager anymore, my favorite soda is Mountain Dew. But I try to avoid that as much as possible!

What would be your superpower and why?

An unconventional superpower I would like to have is the feeling of never being tired. I’m not a coffee drinker, so it would be nice to always be alert and awake first thing in the morning!