Organized with great attention to detail, Megan not only keeps clients’ projects on track by coordinating efforts between all departments in the agency, but she also takes their holistic marketing strategy to the next level. Megan builds relationships with her clients so she can anticipate their needs and deliver every time in a way that drives brand stories and marketing efforts forward. 

What is your professional background?

I started at Trilix as an intern in 2017 right after I graduated from Iowa State University. After my internship, I was hired as a communications coordinator on the Trilix public relations team. After a year there, I moved to the project management team where I was a project manager for the next five years. Now, I’m an account manager on the accounts team.

How do you prefer to start your workday?

I like to get my to-do list ready, go through my emails and check in with the team to make sure everyone has what they need for a successful day. I may even snag a cup of hot chocolate from our wonderful coffee machine. I also like to take a little time out of my morning to stop by desks and check in on clients to tell them good morning, see how their morning is going and talk through any questions they may have on current projects.

What is your favorite vacation you’ve taken?

I loved my honeymoon a few years ago. My husband and I went to Mexico and did all the excursions we possibly could. We truly experienced the area we were visiting. It was beautiful and so nice to get away for a bit.