Pairing creativity with strategy, account manager Austin Narber spends his days getting to know his clients and their brands to understand the ins and outs of their businesses. Because he forms such strong relationships with his clients, he can help them determine, plan and execute the marketing initiatives that will allow them to achieve their overall business goals.

What is your professional background?

I started at Trilix in 2014, which was my introduction to the marketing and advertising space. Before that, I spent several years in hospitality, which is a very underrated industry in terms of preparing you for client service. This is a relationship business, and much of how I interact with and take care of my clients I learned from the hospitality world. I’m very grateful for that part of my professional history. Since 2014, I’ve been a project manager then spent a couple years in the same role with a focus on website projects, and now I am in my sixth year as an account manager.

What motivates you at work?

I think there’s a common misconception that marketing and advertising is just artwork with punchy taglines. I believe I’m here fundamentally to solve problems for my clients. I’m motivated by that challenge: What’s the goal or the problem? Which of our services and tactics is the best solution? What’s the ideal way to utilize the allotted budget and time to achieve the best result? And of course, the ultimate payoff is the client’s hopefully positive reaction.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

I love to travel, so this list is long. Lately I’ve been feeling a calling to Ireland and the Nordic region of Europe (Norway, Sweden, Finland, etc.). I’ve taken my fair share of tropical vacations and think it might be time to try something new.